Happy Leap Day 2016!


I can't fully explain why I love this day so much, but it's one of my favorites! I have always believed that this should be a national holiday to be used as a totally FREE day. Since we only get one every four years, just on the verge of Spring, it seems like a great opportunity to take a late Winter day to reflect and to plan.Maybe it's because I'm such a "milestones" kind of person, this day always makes me think back four years to the last Leap Day, which inevitably leads to a quick inventory of how life has changed since then.February 29, 2012 was like a different world! I had a different job, Sam had a different job and his journey through nursing school, which will come to a close this May, was still not even a thought! Briar Rose was ~8 months old, had only recently been cleared for spay after finally beating generalized Demodex, and was still regularly barfing on any and every car trip she took. We would not discover agility for another several months...and this girl had never even picked up a frisbee!My, how we have grown and changed for the better! I am so grateful for the many new branches that have been added to our little life tree since the last Leap. We are enjoying new friends and new sports and looking forward to lots more "new" to come in 2016! Can't wait to reflect back on 2/29/20! 


About This Girl


JWW Open Q & Blue! 2.12.16