JWW Open Q & Blue! 2.12.16


This girl and I had a fun quick trip up to Clemson for the Golden Retriever Club of Atlanta's V-Day trial. Plenty of people and dog friends were there and we took a nice long walk on the huge property with our friends Kelly, Violet and Traffic. Out of three runs, Briar had some zoomies on two. I'm reconsidering the reason for these momentary breakdowns, aside from just telling myself that she's sensitive and I might never know what causes her to "lose focus", though I thought we were finished with that behavior. I used to think it was nerves, both hers and mine, but I'm not sure now. We were excited, but not overly anxious. Maybe it's because she needs to get an initial release of wild energy after the car ride and all the action of the environment...just three minutes of frisbee might make all the difference.OR, it was recently suggested to me that it's all my fault (big shocker) and a result of me not giving her enough information as we move through the course. I can't tell, though it might be valuable to go back and watch the videos of our heinous failings to see if I can glean further insights.Back to the trial...we came away with one Q, earning her second leg in JWW Open, and even managed First Place! Out of 13 dogs in her height class, only two Q'd and she was three seconds in the lead. I am very very proud of her off side weaves...this is only her second trial with all 12 poles and while she's still much faster at home, she really nailed it! Also of note, I got to work in two blind crosses and we had a successful right-turn rear cross over the triple, which is unheard of for these two lefties.So overall this was a successful and fun weekend and I think it's pretty obvious from the video that Briar Rose was pretty pleased with herself ! Thanks for the movie Noonan!https://youtu.be/_KBqWCriMmA  


Happy Leap Day 2016!


In the beginning...